Source code for psyrun.backend.base

"""Base backend interface."""

import os
import stat
import sys

[docs]class JobSourceFile(object): """Describes a source code file for a job. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to write the source file to. task : Task Task the source file corresponds to. job_code : str Job specific code to execute. Attributes ---------- written : bool Whether the source file has been written. full_code : str The full job code including non job-specific parts that are used for every job. """ def __init__(self, path, task, job_code): self.path = path self.task = task self.job_code = job_code self.written = False
[docs] def write(self): """Write the job code to the file *self.path*.""" with open(self.path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.full_code) fd = f.fileno() os.fchmod(fd, os.fstat(fd).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR) self.written = True
@property def full_code(self): return '''#!{python} try: import faulthandler faulthandler.enable() except: pass import time print("") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Job started ({{}})".format(time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S, %Z'))) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------") import os os.chdir({taskdir!r}) from psyrun.tasks import TaskDef task = TaskDef({taskpath!r}) {code} '''.format( python=self.task.python, path=sys.path, taskdir=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.task.path)), taskpath=os.path.abspath(self.task.path), code=self.job_code)
[docs]class Backend(object): """Abstract base class for processing backends. Processing backends determine how work is split across jobs. Deriving classes are supposed to implement `create_job` and `get_missing`. Parameters ---------- task : `TaskDef` The task to create processing jobs for. Attributes ---------- task : `TaskDef` The task to create processing jobs for. workdir : str Directory in which supporting files for processing the task are stored. """ def __init__(self, task): super(Backend, self).__init__() self.task = task self.workdir = os.path.join(task.workdir, if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir)
[docs] def submit_code(self, code, name, depends_on=None, args=None): """Submits some code to execute to the task scheduler. Parameters ---------- code : str Code to execute in job. name : str Job name. depends_on : sequence Job IDs that have to finish before the submitted code can be executed. args : sequence Additional arguments to pass to the job. Returns ------- dict Contains the id of the submitted job under the key ``'id'``. """ codefile = os.path.join(self.workdir, name + '.py') return self.submit_file(JobSourceFile(codefile, self.task, code), name, depends_on=depends_on, args=args)
[docs] def submit_file(self, job_source_file, name, depends_on=None, args=None): """Submits a source file to execute to the task scheduler. Parameters ---------- job_source_file : `JobSourceFile` Source file to execute in job. name: str Job name. depends_on: sequence Job IDs that have to finish before the submitted code can be executed. args : sequence Additional arguments to pass to the job. Returns ------- dict Contains the id of the submitted job under the key ``'id'``. """ if args is None: args = [] self._prepare_job_submission(job_source_file, name) output_filename = os.path.join(self.workdir, name + '.log') return self.task.scheduler.submit( [job_source_file.path] + args, output_filename, name, depends_on, self.task.scheduler_args)
[docs] def submit_array( self, n, job_source_file, name, depends_on=None, args=None): """Submits a source file to execute to the task scheduler. Parameters ---------- job_source_file : `JobSourceFile` Source file to execute in job. name: str Job name. depends_on: sequence Job IDs that have to finish before the submitted code can be executed. args : sequence Additional arguments to pass to the job. Returns ------- dict Contains the id of the submitted job under the key ``'id'``. """ if args is None: args = [] self._prepare_job_submission(job_source_file, name) output_filename = os.path.join(self.workdir, name + ':%a.log') return self.task.scheduler.submit_array( n, [job_source_file.path] + args, output_filename, name, depends_on, self.task.scheduler_args)
def _prepare_job_submission(self, job_source_file, name): if not job_source_file.written: job_source_file.write() for job in self.task.scheduler.get_jobs(): status = self.task.scheduler.get_status(job) if status is not None and name == self.task.scheduler.kill(job)
[docs] def create_job(self, cont=False): """Create the job tree to process given task. Parameters ---------- cont : bool, optional By default old results will be discarded, but when this option is set to True, old results will be kept and merged with the new results. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_missing(self): """Returns a `ParameterSpace` with missing parameter assignments. Missing paramaters assignments are parameter assignments requested by the task definition, but that have not been evaluated yet. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_queued(self): """Returns parameter sets that are still in queue to be processed. May return ``None`` if this is not supported by the backend. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_failed(self): """Returns a list of failed jobs. May return ``None`` if this is not supported by the backend. """ raise NotImplementedError()