Source code for psyrun.pspace

"""Construction of parameter spaces."""

import collections
import itertools

from six import string_types

from psyrun.utils.doc import inherit_docs

[docs]def dict_concat(args): """Concatenates elements with the same key in the passed dictionaries. Parameters ---------- args : sequenece of dict Dictionaries with sequences to concatenate. Returns ------- dict The dictionary with the union of all the keys of the dictionaries passed in and elements with the same key concatenated. Missing elements will be None. Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(dict_concat(({'a': 0, 'b': 0}, {'a': 1}))) {'a': [0, 1], 'b': [0, None]} """ keys = set() for a in args: keys = keys.union(a.keys()) return {k: [a.get(k, None) for a in args] for k in keys}
[docs]class ParameterSpace(collections.Sized): """Abstract base class for objects representing a parameter space. Supports addition, subtraction, and multiplication operators to construct more complicated parameter spaces. Deriving classes are supposed to implement the `iterate` and ``__len__`` methods. Parameters ---------- keys : sequence of strings Parameter names. """ def __init__(self, keys): self._keys = list(keys)
[docs] def build(self): """Builds the parameter space into a dictionary of parameter lists. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the parameter names as keys and lists with the parameter values. Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(Param(a=[1, 2], b=[1, 2]).build()) {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [1, 2]} """ built = dict_concat(list(self.iterate())) for k in self.keys(): built.setdefault(k, []) return built
[docs] def iterate(self): """Iterates over the parameter assignments in the parameter space.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns the parameter names.""" return self._keys
def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def __add__(self, other): return Sum(self, other) def __mul__(self, other): return Product(self, other) def __sub__(self, other): return Difference(self, other) def __repr__(self): keys = sorted(self.keys()) built = return "Param(**{{{params}}})".format( params=", ".join( "{k!r}: {v!r}".format(k=k, v=built[k]) for k in keys)) def __str__(self): keys = sorted(self.keys()) built = return "Param({params})".format( params=", ".join( "{k!s}={v!r}".format(k=k, v=built[k]) for k in keys))
[docs]@inherit_docs class Param(ParameterSpace): """Constructs a simple parameter space from constructor arguments. Supports addition, subtraction, and multiplication operators to construct more complicated parameter spaces. Parameters ---------- params : Each keyword argument defines a parameter with a sequence of parameter values for it. The length of all lists has to be equal. If a scalar instead of a sequence is passed in, it will be replicated to match the length of the other parameters. At least one keyword argument has to be a sequence. """ def __init__(self, **params): super(Param, self).__init__(params.keys()) self._params = params # Make sure strings etc are in a list. for k in self._params: if isinstance(self._params[k], string_types + (bytes,)): self._params[k] = [self._params[k]] self._len = None for v in self._params.values(): try: l = len(v) except TypeError: pass else: if self._len is None: self._len = l elif self._len != l: raise ValueError("Parameter lists differ in length.") if self._len is None: self._len = 1 if len(self._params) > 0 else 0
[docs] def iterate(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield {k: self.get_param(k, i) for k in self.keys()}
def __len__(self): return self._len
[docs] def get_param(self, key, i): """Return the *i*-th parameter assignment. Parameters ---------- key : str Parameter name of parameter to retrieve. i : int Index of assigned value to return. """ p = self._params[key] try: return p[i] except TypeError: return p
[docs]@inherit_docs class Difference(ParameterSpace): """Implements the difference of two parameter spaces. Parameters ---------- minuend : `ParameterSpace` Minuend (left operand). subtrahend : `ParameterSpace` Subtrahend (right operand). Attributes ---------- minuend : `ParameterSpace` Minuend (left operand). subtrahend : `ParameterSpace` Subtrahend (right operand). Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(Difference(Param(a=[1, 2], b=[1, 2]), Param(a=[1])).build()) {'a': [2], 'b': [2]} """ def __init__(self, minuend, subtrahend): super(Difference, self).__init__(minuend.keys()) for k in subtrahend.keys(): if k not in self._keys: raise AmbiguousOperationError( 'Key `{0}` not existent in minuend.'.format(k)) self.left = minuend self.right = subtrahend if len(self.right) == 0: self._cached = list(self.left.iterate()) else: exclude = self._cached = [item for item in self.left.iterate() if not all(item[k] in exclude[k] for k in exclude.keys())]
[docs] def iterate(self): return iter(self._cached)
def __len__(self): return sum(1 for item in self.iterate())
[docs]@inherit_docs class Product(ParameterSpace): """Implements the Cartesian product of two parameter spaces. Parameters ---------- left : `ParameterSpace` Left operand. right : `ParameterSpace` Right operand. Attributes ---------- left : `ParameterSpace` Left operand. right : `ParameterSpace` Right operand. Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(Product(Param(a=[1, 2]), Param(b=[1, 2])).build()) {'a': [1, 1, 2, 2], 'b': [1, 2, 1, 2]} """ def __init__(self, left, right): shared_keys = set(left.keys()).intersection(set(right.keys())) if len(shared_keys) > 0: raise AmbiguousOperationError( 'Duplicate param keys: {0}'.format(shared_keys)) super(Product, self).__init__(list(left.keys()) + list(right.keys())) self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def iterate(self): if len(self.left.keys()) == 0: return self.right.iterate() elif len(self.right.keys()) == 0: return self.left.iterate() else: return (self._merge(*item) for item in itertools.product( self.left.iterate(), self.right.iterate()))
@staticmethod def _merge(left, right): merged = {} merged.update(left) merged.update(right) return merged def __len__(self): if len(self.left.keys()) == 0: return len(self.right) elif len(self.right.keys()) == 0: return len(self.left) else: return len(self.left) * len(self.right)
[docs]@inherit_docs class Sum(ParameterSpace): """Implements the concatenation of two parameter spaces. Parameters ---------- left : `ParameterSpace` Left operand. right : `ParameterSpace` Right operand. Attributes ---------- left : `ParameterSpace` Left operand. right : `ParameterSpace` Right operand. Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(Sum(Param(a=[1]), Param(a=[2])).build()) {'a': [1, 2]} """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(Sum, self).__init__(set(left.keys()).union(set(right.keys()))) self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def iterate(self): return ({k: item.get(k, float('nan')) for k in self.keys()} for item in itertools.chain( self.left.iterate(), self.right.iterate()))
def __len__(self): return len(self.left) + len(self.right)
[docs]def missing(minuend, subtrahend): """Return set of parameter assignments missing from another set. This differs from a simple subtraction by allowing additional keys in the subtrahend, but no additional keys in the minuend. Parameters ---------- minuend : `ParameterSpace` Parameter space with all assignments. subtrahend : :class:`Param` Parameter space with assignments to remove from the parameter space. Returns ------- `ParameterSpace` The reduced parameter space. Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(missing(Param(a=[1, 2, 3]), Param(a=[2])).build()) {'a': [1, 3]} """ if len(subtrahend) <= 0: return minuend for k in minuend.keys(): if k not in subtrahend.keys(): raise AmbiguousOperationError() return minuend - Param( **{k: v for k, v in if k in minuend.keys()})
[docs]class AmbiguousOperationError(RuntimeError): """Attempt to combine two parameter spaces in an ambiguous way.""" pass