Source code for psyrun.backend.load_balancing

"""Load balancing backend."""

import fcntl
import os

from psyrun.backend.base import Backend, JobSourceFile
from import Job, JobArray, JobChain
from psyrun.mapper import map_pspace
from psyrun.pspace import missing, Param
from import DefaultStore
from psyrun.utils.doc import inherit_docs

[docs]@inherit_docs class LoadBalancingBackend(Backend): """Create subtasks for load balanced parameter evaluation. This will create *max_jobs* worker jobs that will fetch parameter assignments from a queue. Thus, all worker jobs should be busy all of the time. This backend is useful if individual parameters assignments can vary to a large degree in their processing time. It is recommended to use a `Store` that supports efficient fetching of a single row from a file. Parameters ---------- task : `TaskDef` Task definition to create subtasks for. """ @property def infile(self): """File from which input parameter assignments are fetched.""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'in' + @property def statusfile(self): """File that stores the processing status.""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'status') @property def partial_resultfile(self): """File results are appended to while processing is in progress.""" root, ext = os.path.splitext(self.resultfile) return root + '.part' + ext @property def resultfile(self): """Final result file.""" if self.task.resultfile: return self.task.resultfile else: return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'result' +
[docs] def create_job(self, cont=False): pspace = self.create_pspace_job(cont=cont) process = self.create_process_job() finalize = self.create_finalize_job() return JobChain(, [pspace, process, finalize])
[docs] def create_pspace_job(self, cont): code = ''' import os.path from psyrun.pspace import missing, Param from psyrun.backend.load_balancing import LoadBalancingWorker pspace = task.pspace if {cont!r}: if os.path.exists({outfile!r}): os.rename({outfile!r}, {part_outfile!r}) if os.path.exists({part_outfile!r}): pspace = missing(pspace, Param(**{part_outfile!r}))){infile!r}, LoadBalancingWorker.create_statusfile({statusfile!r}) '''.format( cont=cont, infile=self.infile, outfile=self.resultfile, part_outfile=self.partial_resultfile, statusfile=self.statusfile) file_dep = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.task.path), f) for f in self.task.file_dep] return Job( 'pspace', self.submit_code, {'code': code}, [self.task.path] + file_dep, [self.infile])
[docs] def create_process_job(self): source_file = JobSourceFile( os.path.join(self.workdir, + ''), self.task, ''' from multiprocessing import Process import sys from psyrun.backend.load_balancing import LoadBalancingWorker if __name__ == '__main__': workers = [ LoadBalancingWorker( i, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3],, task.exclude_from_result) for i in range(task.pool_size)] processes = [Process(target=w.start, args=(task.execute, task.setup)) for w in workers] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() ''') return JobArray( self.task.max_jobs, 'process', self.submit_array, self.submit_file, {'job_source_file': source_file, 'args': [ self.infile, self.partial_resultfile, self.statusfile ]}, [self.infile], [self.partial_resultfile])
[docs] def create_finalize_job(self): code = ''' import os os.rename({part!r}, {whole!r}) '''.format(part=self.partial_resultfile, whole=self.resultfile) return Job( 'finalize', self.submit_code, {'code': code}, [self.partial_resultfile], [self.resultfile])
[docs] def get_missing(self): missing_items = self.task.pspace try: missing_items = missing( missing_items, Param(** except IOError: try: missing_items = missing( missing_items, Param(** except IOError: pass return missing_items
[docs] def get_queued(self): return None
[docs] def get_failed(self): return None
[docs]class LoadBalancingWorker(object): """Maps a function to the parameter space supporting other *LoadBalancingWorkers* processing the same input file at the same time. Parameters ---------- proc_id : int Worker ID. infile : str Filename of the file with the input parameters space. outfile : str Filename of the file to write the results to. statusfile : str Filename of the file to track the processing progress. store : `Store`, optional Input/output backend. exclude_from_result : sequence, optional Keys of items to exclude from the result. """ def __init__( self, proc_id, infile, outfile, statusfile, store=DefaultStore(), exclude_from_result=None): self.proc_id = proc_id self.infile = infile self.outfile = outfile self.statusfile = statusfile = store if exclude_from_result is None: exclude_from_result = [] self.exclude_from_result = exclude_from_result
[docs] @classmethod def create_statusfile(cls, statusfile): """Creates the status file required by all load balancing workers. Parameters ---------- statusfile : str Filename of the status file. """ with open(statusfile, 'w') as f: f.write('0') f.flush()
[docs] def get_next_ix(self): """Get the index of the next parameter assignment to process.""" with open(self.statusfile, 'r+') as f: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX) try: ix = int( f.truncate(0) f.write(str(ix + 1)) f.flush() finally: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) return ix
[docs] def get_next_param_set(self): """Load the next parameter assignment to process.""" return, row=self.get_next_ix())
[docs] def save_data(self, data): """Appends data to the *outfile*. Uses a lock on the file to support concurrent access. """ with open(self.statusfile + '.lock', 'w') as lock: fcntl.flock(lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX) try:, data) finally: fcntl.flock(lock, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
[docs] def start(self, fn, setup_fn=None): """Start processing a parameter space. A status file needs to be created before invoking this function by calling `create_statusfile`. Parameters ---------- fn : function Function to evaluate on the parameter space. setup_fn : function, optional Setup function, called with the worker ID as argument before processing of parameter sets begins. May return a dictionary of parameters added to the invocation of *fn*. """ add_params = None if setup_fn is not None: add_params = setup_fn(self.proc_id) if add_params is None: add_params = {} while True: try: pspace = Param(**self.get_next_param_set()) except IndexError: return data = map_pspace( fn, Param(**add_params) * pspace, exclude=self.exclude_from_result) self.save_data(data)